Monday, October 8, 2007

I'm Green, You're Green, Everybody's Green, Or Not

Next week, an effort to address the urgency of saving our planet, as we peer over the edge of the precipice of destruction will bring together all those who care enough to do something new and different.

How we buy, use, and discard our things without paying much attention to what we need vs what we want is one way.

How we eat is another. I am a total foodie, but I shop, cook and digest more consciously now than I have every done - thanks to this "pay attention" movement created out of necessity - we call affectionately, "The Green Movement". You will find a stunning slide show of families all over the world posing with a weeks worth of food on this blog. Please consider it. Please act on it. You can eat healthfully, well, locally and cheaper with just a bit of attention. Do it for your Grandkids. Do it for your for your health. Do it for your survival.