Thursday, March 8, 2007

One of the Good Guys

This is a small story about a big guy - a guy I work with, a colleague, a friend, and an inspiration. His name is Arthur White. He is a real estate broker and he is an inspiration to me. The reason is that Arthur really believes that his clients deserve his best efforts.

He responded to a telephone call from a couple who owned a big house about 5 miles from our office. The house was built about 5 years ago and the couple wanted to know what it was worth. Arthur picked up the call and went out to give them an Opinion of Value. He received a call back from them about a week later and he subsequently listed the house for over a million dollars. The house was awkward, but had a wonderful Bay View and was nearly 4 thousand square feet in a nice neighborhood. The couple had moved to Texas, and the house was vacant.

What Arthur later found out were two very important pieces of information: The husband had a terminal disease and the house had received a Notice of Default from the lender. These people were in trouble, deep trouble. We now know that the wife had cashed in her retirement benefits, and this couple hoped to get a few hundred thousand dollars from the sale of this house. It was all they had left. To make a long story short: Arthur White became their advocate, their broker, their friend and a fierce ally of this couple in the sale of this house. He showed courage, determination, and a wonderful set of values I can only hope to match. He makes me proud to be his friend and colleague. No newspaper is interested in this piece of "good news", but I thought you might like to know that there are heroes in the everyday experience of some people.

1 comment:

Arthur White said...

Thanks, Liz. You were a great support through that difficult process. While I don't particularly seek difficult cases, many of them land on my desk because others won't touch them. This transaction was very much like peeling an onion, complete with a lot of tears all around. For more commentary on this and other situations, my own blog is taking shape at: